Université Paris Dauphine (Paris IX)
Titel des Studiengangs
Management et gestion des organisations
September - Dezember 2017
Wirtschaftswissenschaften - BWL
Bewertung von
Ansehen der Hochschule
Ausstattung der Universität
I believe that Dauphine is in one of the most fascinating and vibrant cities of Europe but it is in desperate need of new, friendly and fast working administration staff. There seems to be no sense of responsibility– up to the extent that none of my calls have been returned since I left Dauphine. Even though I prepared for a “French mentality” of Laisser-faire, and that it will by far not be the same as WHU in manners of efficiency but I was shocked by how bad it is.
On the other hand, the workload is appropriate and the courses are interactive and interesting. Therefore, I got the chance to enjoy the city, travel, and meet many new people from all over the world.
Lastly, I would have wished for more courses in which exchange students are mixed with local students, as I believe that both sides could benefit from the views of the respective other party.
Université Paris Dauphine (Paris IX)
I chose Dauphine for my exchange semester, as I was always fascinated with France as a country and especially Paris. Furthermore, Dauphine has a very good international reputation and an active alumni-network.
I chose courses related to organizational design and -change, as this provided a valuable addition to the courses at my "home" university.
As the courses for exchange students are separate from the local students, you get to know the other exchange students very quickly. Most of the courses were very interactive and included group works, presentations, and practical assignments. I can particularly recommend the course "International Business Ethics" which mainly consists of case studies and lively discussions, which significantly broadened my horizon.
If you are interested in doing sports, Dauphine has a quite extensive offer. For 70€/year you can participate in all sports classes (even golf) and use the gym. Even though the gym facilities are not very modern you still find everything you need.
The bathroom and changing rooms are very dirty, so I would recommend showering at home after your work out (and toilet paper is not provided…).
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