Responsible for the Implementation of the LEGO Truckshow Asia, the biggest marketing initiative that the LEGO Group has ever ventured in Asia Pacific Partly responsible for production of regional TVC. Partly responsible for the implementation of LEGO Club Magazine. Implemented LEGO conferences. Updated regional directors on market and competitor trends. Initiated and succesfully negotiated several regional and local Co-promotion deals. Implemented LEGOs presence at Singapore Design Forum 1998. Co-responsible for the successful revelation of the LEGO brandstatement with Singaporian kids playing LEGO Mindstorms over the Internet with UK kids. Educated sales-force personal on merchandising and sales. Acted as regional management support Initiated and implementated Etc.
Although it is an International company, you will probably be shocked if you are a foreigner. The H.Q. in Billund is very Danish, and is placed in the countryside. If you have a good idea and can argument for it - you will be give the resources necessary It is not a stressfree environment, there is a lot of activity, but there is no back-stabbing - its is a nice place to work.
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