Lufthansa Consulting

Erfahrungsbericht März 2001
Lufthansa Consulting

Job - Lufthansa Consulting

Zeitraum der Beschäftigung:
September - Januar 1998
Marketing / Research


It was ok - we learned some interesting things, though it was not too exciting.

Beschreibung der Arbeit

We have worked in a small team on analysing a market research study regarding a mexican airline. Our project was steered by the marketing office of the university of cologne and we only worked on a special part onf the study rather than dealing with the whole study. Our task consisted in analysing customer satisfaction regarding the airline. Thus we were given completed questionaired which we had to enter into the computer and to analyse afterwards. This task was rather boring and the counceling by the university and Lufthansa was rather poor. Still we practised working with the program SPSS (a statistic program) and we learned a lot about computer aided analysis, which was quite interesting. As a result we prepared a presentation and focused on applying the analysing tool regression analysis, which was quite challenging.

Diese Persönlichkeit passt ins Unternehmen

Very analytical and not too outgoing - at least in the research deparment

Positiv am Arbeitgeber
Good reputation
Negativ am Arbeitgeber
not too many :-)
Persönliche Entwicklung
Führungsstil & Kultur

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