Erfahrungsbericht April 2003
Deutsche Bank
Frankfurt (Main)

Praktikant - Deutsche Bank

Zeitraum der Beschäftigung:
September 2002 - März 2003
HR Advisory
Gehalt / Kompensation
6000 €


I have had a great experience. I have got to know Germany and I have got to know what it is like to work in such a big international company. At the moment, I am still working at Deutsche Bank, writing my master's thesis.

Beschreibung der Arbeit

I did my internship in the HR advisory (HR department) of CIB GTO (one of Deutsche Bank's Business area's) The main tasks were: -recruitment management (administrations, rejections, arranging interviews and attending them) -set up internal and external jobpostings -making HR data reports and statistics -writing 'Zeugnisse' -Organising HR trainings for managers -Holliday- appraisal-, times absent- and working overtime management -Supporting the year-end-process (bonusround) These were the main tasks. However, every day different other issues landed on my desk. Actually I have got to know HR at a very operational level in an international company.

Diese Persönlichkeit passt ins Unternehmen

Being a teamplayer is very important.

Beschreibung der Atmosphäre

The atmosphere in the department I was working for was perfect. The collegues were very open and willing to help. I had a lot of contact with different HR departments and customers (employees and managers of the business area) around the world.

Positiv am Arbeitgeber
-atmosphere -'Praktikantenstammtisch' -willingness to help
Negativ am Arbeitgeber
I have to think about that.
Persönliche Entwicklung
Führungsstil & Kultur

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