BNP Paribas

Erfahrungsbericht März 2001
BNP Paribas

Praktikum - BNP Paribas

Zeitraum der Beschäftigung:
Juli - Oktober 1998
Corporate Finance


Paribas is a great company to learn - working hours are long, but modest compared to other investmen banks - compensation is good and the team is very international - the business development department / corporate finance works the longest hours but is by far the most exciting department in the investment banking industry - Paribas took very good care of me and I can recommend it everybody interested in a good investment banking esxperience.

Beschreibung der Arbeit

I worked in the corporate finance / business development department. My job consisted of own pojects as well as working on different projects as a team member. We prepared presentations, analysed and evaluated companies that were up for sale or advised potential sellers on mergers and acquisitions. I was very well intergrated into the team and got the chance to participate in client meetings, phone calls and presentations. The major branches I worked on were telecommunications, internet and transportation. Paribas, being a french company, still has got a very international team and thus the working language was english. Working hours were long, as well as intensive. After 9 pm you were allowed to order Pizza for free and you taxi home was payed for by Paribas. I especially enjoyed being involved in evaluating and selling a mexican internet service provider. Since my Spnanish was better than the one of the other team members, I was in charge of communications and preparing the presentations. I also elaborated interesting studies on the subjects "spin off" and "cross border mergers".

Diese Persönlichkeit passt ins Unternehmen

You have to be able to take pressure and work on your own. Teamwork is very important too. It is expected that you do not mind long working hours and working during the weekends (once in a while) too. Investment banking is very internationals, thus fluency in different languages is a must.

Positiv am Arbeitgeber
Modest investment bankin hours - very international team - good compensation - situated in London - very international - challenging - you can work on your own.
Negativ am Arbeitgeber
Very competitive - long working hours - high price level in London - high fluctuation of employees (normal in the investment banking industry).
Persönliche Entwicklung
Führungsstil & Kultur

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