Deutsche Lufthansa

Erfahrungsbericht März 2001
Frankfurt (Main)

Praktikum - Deutsche Lufthansa

Zeitraum der Beschäftigung:
Juli - Oktober 1997
Network Planning


Very good, I would definitely recommend it.

Beschreibung der Arbeit

As requested, I had the chance to work in the network planning department, section hub Frankfurt, continental connections. As in the period I was there the Lufthansa schedule for Summer 1998 I supported the work of my department. I was very well integrated in the process and could perform tasks independently. I could directly benefit from my logistics studies, especially regarding the theoretical aspects of network planning and hub and spoke systems. The iterative planning process which also involved negotiations between several Lufthansa departments as well as alliance partners was very challenging and extremely interesting. Company / Internship Lufthansa provides special programs for interns, e.g. visit to the maintenance site in Hamburg, visit of the cargo center site in Frankfurt, etc. which gives an excellent insight into the company. Additionally, the location of the Lufthansa basis directly adjacent to the Frankfurt Airport is interesting as one has the opportunity to just walk near the runway and visit all facilities directly. The central internship department organized several meetings of interns, also in Frankfurt pubs which I appreciated a lot.

Diese Persönlichkeit passt ins Unternehmen

For the department I worked in, analytical thinking is very important. People are very easily accessible, if you bring a certain team spirit.

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