German American Chamber of Commerce

Erfahrungsbericht März 2001

Praktikum - German American Chamber of Commerce

Zeitraum der Beschäftigung:
April - September 1997
Marketing GACC South


It was just great. I mean, it was not perfect at all, but that was where I learned most from... improvising... But fun, I had really FUN

Beschreibung der Arbeit

Since I made that internship about 3 Years ago I try to remember as good as I can. But even if I am very detailed in my description, it might be that things have changed meanwhile. Although I know that people there are still the same, thus I believe going there you still could have the time of your live as it happened to me back in 1997. First of all, working hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. from mo.-fr. so just normal. Working language is a mixture out of English and German since the chambers staff is mixed as well. So what did I do there: Working in the Marketing Department I had to conduct Market Researches, Business Partner Searches, Exhibitor support on trade fairs but of course I also had to answer tons of daily inquiries. Among all the different things I did there the Researches have been the most interesting ones. One had to identify for instance potential business partners for a German midsize company that was considering to go and to explore the US-American market. Quite challenging was the fact that one did not have any budget, means NO money to spend to get information. Just your fantasy, your voice, your telephone, computer and internet. It is fun believe me and once you start understanding the business than you have a chance for success. A brilliant thing was the teamwork I experienced there. I mean you always could relay on your fellow interns. It´s not always happening that one finds that at work.

Diese Persönlichkeit passt ins Unternehmen

You definitely should be a team player, should have a sense of humor and should be able to take it as it comes. And if do not like it, then tell it.

Positiv am Arbeitgeber
One can learn a lot and can have really fun
Negativ am Arbeitgeber
but sometimes it is a little caotic
Persönliche Entwicklung
Führungsstil & Kultur

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