H2 Equity Partners

Erfahrungsbericht März 2001
H2 Equity Partners

Praktikum - H2 Equity Partners

Zeitraum der Beschäftigung:
März - Oktober 2000
Venture Capital

Beschreibung der Arbeit

For a period of seven months I have worked in a private equity firm that specialises in turnaround management and buy and build strategies for target companies that face extreme (financial) challenges. Within H2 Equity Partners I worked on the integration and fine tuning of sales activities and market communication within one of their holding companies. The holding company consisted of various acquired companies in the leisure industry. To length I have investigated what possibilities for coopreation where feasible between these former competitors within the holding company. Tasks included doing analysis on current situation, working out plans and proposals for inprovements, as well as practically implementing that what had been decided. The company allowing me to persue my own interest within the project, when at the same time supporting me wherever they could in delivering good results. Working within H2 was very challenging: it is characterised by an informal manner and close communication. Work at H2 is far from a nine to five job but I enjoyed it a lot.

Diese Persönlichkeit passt ins Unternehmen

Good thinker that likes to undertake project work. He or she has to be able to work autonomously and be triggered by opportunities for improvement. Apart from that he or she should be gifted with extensive social skills for working with people from various backgrounds at the target companies.

Persönliche Entwicklung
Führungsstil & Kultur

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