Levi Strauss

Erfahrungsbericht März 2001
Levi Strauss

Praktikum - Levi Strauss

Zeitraum der Beschäftigung:
Juni - September 1999
Marketing and Advertisement Levi Strauss Italia
Gehalt / Kompensation
6000 €


For me it was a great experience, the Levi´s culture is very special, for the first interview I did not really now what to ware, so I decided to miw jeans with a jacket, that was even too much. The special about the atmosphere is that hierarchies are very low, a very colleagal atmosphere, you go out together and so on. What I personally did not like was that everybody was smoking in the office, apert from that it was great.

Beschreibung der Arbeit

Levi´s Italy sponsored an italian music television channel for launching their new trousers 566 sta-prest. My job was it to accompany the tour throughout whole Italy and to be present at the Territorio Matchmusic at Riccione on the adriatic coast. Together with two other italian students we organized give-aways, trousers for the artists and supervised the sponsoring. We got in touch with the local Levi´s stores, furnished them with a certain amount of the new product that wasn´t yet for sale, looked how and if they exposed the material. Furthermore we did an market research about the awareness of the Levi´s sta-prest advertisement ( Flat Eric and Angel) and about the labels teenies prefer. We were very independent and had a lot of responsibility. But the most important thing: we had a lot of fun. I went to see Naple, Palermo, Brindisi, Bologna, Modena and Florence, knew a lot of people with differnt backgronds and learned to organize myself. CEMS is good known within the company, they have their regional HQ in Bruxelles and offer from time to time internships. I just can recommend it.

Diese Persönlichkeit passt ins Unternehmen

very communicative, tollerant, team spirit, initiative

Negativ am Arbeitgeber
When you have such an internship it´s sometimes hard to see the difference to a holliday.
Persönliche Entwicklung
Führungsstil & Kultur

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