
Erfahrungsbericht März 2001

Praktikum - T-Systems

Zeitraum der Beschäftigung:
Januar 1999 - April 2000
Finance & Accounting DaimlerChrysler Capital (debis) Asia Pacific Pte.Ltd.


Overall rating: Very good for the company and excellent for the country and the people I met.

Beschreibung der Arbeit

I did this internship right after my exchange semester in Norway. (see report on exchange semester) All in all my internship lasted about 3 1/2 month. For a about half the time I worked in the Finance & Accounting Dep. and the rest I spend in the Business Development Dep. First, as I was still in Norway I was told to get an urgent 3 month lasting project which sounded pretty interesting in its description. But this did not happen. I mean that real live. I just came different. During my time in Finance & Acc. I had 3 projects where I was involved in. That was a reengineering project, a evaluation project about internal shared services and the planing of a office move of a local subsidiary. Every single one was pretty interesting, but I did not like the \"project hoping\" my boss (a GM) made me doing. So, since I got along with one of the Vice Presidents pretty well I finally moved to his Business Development Dep. where I was assigned with a e-commerce strategy project. That was a chance that came to me as unexpected as I lost the first promised project and it was a real challenge. It was just me and the boss, cos the project just got kick started at that time. I was involved in all relevant meetings and got a good insight and feet back. But on the other hand it was not an easy game to play. Many times you really have to kick asses, especially if you some guys help when they are themselves !really! busy. O.k. I stop this small talk about that. Everyone you likes to get more information just contact me. Now just more useful infos: working hours are normal, means from about 9 to 10 hours a day. Weekend is off. But normally you do not get any vacation or off time for extra hours. But if you get along with your boss well he might give you some extra free time in case you do a trip and you like to have a longer weekend. salary is about 1500 S$ per month. Working language is English (90%) and German (10%).

Diese Persönlichkeit passt ins Unternehmen

You definitely need some humor when you have the luck to work the people I was working with. Further international experience would not be bad. You should to be able to just swallow things some times (if it is the time for this) but you also need to be man enough to stand up and to tell them what YOU want. Otherwise it could happen that you are lost. The better your analytical skills are, the more communicative you are the better chances you have. Moreover team ability can make your life there much easier.

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