United Nations

Erfahrungsbericht Mai 2001
United Nations

Praktikum - United Nations

Zeitraum der Beschäftigung:
Juli - September 2000
Finance and Budget Section UN Wien
Gehalt / Kompensation


I would recommend it to everybody. You learn a lot there. Not just how to do your job, but so much about different cultures, a little bit about yourself, as you are confronted with so many things, you learn languages, and it is very intersting to work in an international organization.

Beschreibung der Arbeit

The working language at the UN is Englisch, but they have 6 official languages. Englisch, French, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic and Russian. I was serving within the Fiance and Budget Section and worked there for the Travel Unit and for the Treasury. In the Travel Unit I got the work of a normal Gerneral Staff after a little training and worked with their accounting system called IMIS. My supervisors there were very friendly and nice, and whever I had a problem, they always helped me out immediatley. In the Treasury I did some research at the library and checked some numbers in their bank system. But my supervisor there had thought about a very intersting task. I had to write a marketing plan for the treasury. First of all I had to learn, how to write one, and I got a very good survey over UNOV, and other organisations.

Diese Persönlichkeit passt ins Unternehmen

-good sense of humor -not taking everything from people serious. The make a lit of fun with everybody, that one might not understand, because of the differnt culutres -very communicative -patience people sometimes explain everything 5 times, and some are hard to understand because of their accent

Positiv am Arbeitgeber
Many cultures, great colleagues, you learn a lot, you have a lot of fun
Negativ am Arbeitgeber
very buerocratic, very slow system, no money if your country doesn´t pay you
Persönliche Entwicklung
Führungsstil & Kultur

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