Erfahrungsbericht Februar 2015

Senior Project Manager - ThyssenKrupp Elevator Egypt

Zeitraum der Beschäftigung:
August 2010 - Juli 2014
Senior Project Manager
Project managment
12 Jahre
900 €
300 €
Weitere Bonuskomponenten:
Jahresbonus Cash
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since 200 years to now ThyssenKrupp sustainability means strengthening our ability to manage future challenges. It is therefore a key driver for innovation which leads to continuous improvement of the economic, environment and social performance. During my work i prefer to work in such a reputable entity which will add to my knowledge and experience a lot and also i concluded through the work in Thyssenkrupp UK that Thyssenkrupp is interested in supporting all the individuals in achieving their desired work without any constrains

Beschreibung der Arbeit

Value Offered: 1.) 12years of experience leading international Projects organizations and multinational teams to exceed revenue and profit goals. 2.) Proven track record of driving multimillion-dollar growth and global expansion. 3.) Strong command of international business protocols and experience conducting business with foreign governments and executives across the globe. 4.) Expert relationship builder, channel developer, negotiator and Project Management strategist. Trainings and Certification: 1.) PMP Professional Project management. 2.) Contract Management 3.) Risk Management. 4-.) Cost Management. 5.) PRINCE2 6.) Project control systems. 7.) SAP financial accounting 8.) The Primavera P6 (planning). 9.) Microsoft Project for Professionals (2007-2010) features Expert (planning). 10.) aster in Excel 2007 and Outlook 11.) Six Sigma (green belt) from LOGIC management consulting. 12.) Communication skills certificate from LOGIC management consulting. 13.) Safety courses (Risk Assessment, First Aid, Fire Fighting and Electrical Safety). 14.) Ericsson Egypt: CERTIFICATES (2G &3G) from Ericsson . 15.) ORASCOM MAINTENANCE: Education: 1.) Bachelor of Science: - BSC. In Electrical Engineering (Communication) –Academy of Civil Aviation Engineering. - Authorized by (Cairo University – Faculty of Engineering). - Communications & Electronics. - Date of graduation: 2006. - Graduation project: Security system by PLC control system Authorized by ABB Company. - Grade: Excellent. 2.) MINI MBA, Master of Business Administration. - International Academy For Advanced Research and Studies. IARS London. 3.) Diploma, CMA Certified Management Accountant. (expected) Work Experience: 1.) Employer: - ThyssenKrupp Egypt - Senior Project Manager (2012 to 7/2014) 2.) Employer: - ThyssenKrupp England. Volunteer - Project Management Controller (2012 to 2013) Customer Management: Actively gathers information on the customer and the customer's requirements / targets - Involves the customer in decision-making and provides regular information - Manages customer expectations and concludes the project to the satisfaction of the customer - Creates additional business opportunities out of the ongoing project - Defines and implements strategies to strengthen market position and to achieve customer commitment - Conducts order negotiations Risk, Opportunity & Claim Management: - Throughout project life cycle, identifies, assesses and manages risks, opportunities and claims. Partner Management: - Selects, manages and controls subcontractors / partners. Procurement: - Involves procurement at an early stage according to processes and regulations - Negotiates based on defined requirements with subcontractors / partners and enters into back-to-back agreements in alignment with the customer contract Financial Management: - Manages the project within the defined financial targets (budget, Cash Flow ,target costing, target profit, POC ) - Lives Profit & Loss responsibility for the project as defined in the Project Manager (Target) Agreement - Initiates invoicing according to project progress - Ensures regular financial controlling and reporting (concurrent costing) - Ensures compliance with IFRS (International Finance and Reporting Standards) - Optimizes project profitability and ensures business success - Optimizes the project cash flow and assets Project Planning, Controlling and Closure: - Manages and controlled the project within the defined time and quality framework - Sets up, maintains and implements the Project Management Plan - Defines procedures and requirements concerning quality management according to valid - Holds regular project status meetings and organizes acceptance of milestones work results - Manages acceptance of deliverables, performing quality controls - Documents all work results according to the valid document management standards - Organizes customer acceptance tests and final project handover to contract partner(s) - Support offer generation - Support sales process / technical sales activities Leadership and Communication: - Ensures efficient communication with all relevant stakeholders Key Responsibility: -Managing, planning and review all projects from sign contract to handing over and monitoring ,Assist project teams with approach and provides work leadership to QA members (Technical office department, installation department engineer and teams, finance department and safety department).

Diese Persönlichkeit passt ins Unternehmen

Belief in myself and your abilities is important but it’s not all about what i say. Soft skills place just as much emphasis on what i do, how I can manage my team . Shake hands on arrival, dress smart, think before i speak. These small aspects can make all the difference. For instance, if i tend to be shy and avoid being the centre of attention, make a concerted effort to project friendliness; smile when you shake hands, make an extra effort to give positive eye contact and expression to my responses. This instils more confidence from the outset

Beschreibung der Atmosphäre

This is one of the best places I’ve ever worked. Our team manager really knows her stuff, everyone in the group has ten or more years of experience at the company, and we know that we can trust each other to get the work done. The company itself has the usual ups and downs, of course, and there’s certainly some office politics going on out there. But here in our group,


2013- 2014 Senior Project Manager ThyssenKrupp Elevator Egypt. 2012-2013 Project Management Controller. ThyssenKrupp Elevator UK. 2010-2012 Project Management Controller. ThyssenKrupp Elevator Egypt. 2007 -2010 Quality Assurance Manager Egysacom Etisalat Egypt 2005-2007 Project Coordinator Maintains. Orascom Telecom Egypt. 2001-2005 Project Cost Engineer. W.H.C Consultant Egypt

Positiv am Arbeitgeber
Increasing my Managerial knowledge from the level of my company into the level of a set of multinational companies
Supporting my experiences with knowledge generally about the companies
Passing on my experiences into the youth working with me in order to guarantee the pass on of my knowledge to younger generations
Persönliche Entwicklung
Führungsstil & Kultur
Interessante Aufgaben

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