Elazar Soussan (Assistant Vice President, GY) berichtet im Interview über den Einstieg, den Projektalltag und die Gründe für einen Job bei Deutsche Bank Management Consulting.

My path to Deutsche Bank Management Consulting (DBMC):
After having finished my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, I wanted to specialize more in Consulting and Strategy. Therefore, I pursued a Master’s degree in Business Analysis and Consulting in Paris. When the time for job applications came around, I pleasantly remembered my internship in Deutsche Bank’s Technology Practice in 2017. A friend of mine recommended specifically the consulting department of Deutsche Bank as a great place to start my professional career, which is why I decided to apply.
I joined Deutsche Bank Management Consulting because:
I remember asking that question provokingly during one of my interviews; why join Deutsche Bank Management Consulting with an existing offer in product management with a big tech company? The answer I received stuck with me: it is easier to start a career with a horizontal focus rather than a vertical one. It is always possible to specialize later after having started the career more universally, but after specializing in a certain field, increasing the scope of your work becomes more difficult. This advice fits joining DBMC very well: the work we do is very versatile and diversified as we collaborate with all businesses and infrastructure functions within the bank.
A typical day at work:
Usually, the day starts by aligning your priorities of the day with your project team (virtually [in COVID times] or preferably in person). After the check-in, the day heavily depends on the project: it could be that you are crunching numbers for a business case to gauge if a certain revenue initiative is worth the effort or you might organize a workshop to brainstorm potential digitization opportunities.
The most rewarding part of my job:
The responsibility given to you from day one is very fulfilling. If you prepared a concept or a specific deliverable, you can be certain that you will be the one to present it in front of the client. This close direct interaction with senior stakeholders ensures that you will become more confident of your abilities very quickly.
When I am not working:
I love playing the piano; sometimes I try to recreate a song I heard on the radio or during a movie by ear. Other than that, I like playing table tennis – even though my times in the sports club are long over, I enjoy meeting friends and colleagues for some games.
What I would like to tell a potential candidate about Deutsche Bank Management Consulting:
If you want to start your career in a challenging, complex, yet super interesting environment in the financial industry, come and apply!

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Elazar Soussan (Assistant Vice President, GY): "The work we do is very versatile and diversified as we collaborate with all businesses and infrastructure functions within the bank."