No typical day at Deutsche Bank MC

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In the Interview, Matthias Regenauer talks about his path to become an analyst at Deutsche Bank Management Consulting and gives interesting insights in his daily work. He reports about the perfect combination in his job from his interest in consulting and banking.

Matthias Regenhauer

Deutsche Bank Management Consulting & start your career

My path to Deutsche Bank Management Consulting:

After graduating with a Master in Economics from Bocconi University, I was torn between starting my career in banking or consulting. Having worked for a large Swiss Bank before, I knew that I was interested in the financial industry, but the learning opportunities and the variety of consulting also seemed very appealing. Interviewing with companies for both options, it was only a matter of time that I would discover DBMC. The intersection of consulting and banking seemed to be a perfect fit for me as it would allow me to both, pursue my interests and to kick off my career at a renowned global company.

Deutsche Bank Management Consulting & start your career

My path to Deutsche Bank Management Consulting:

After graduating with a Master in Economics from Bocconi University, I was torn between starting my career in banking or consulting. Having worked for a large Swiss Bank before, I knew that I was interested in the financial industry, but the learning opportunities and the variety of consulting also seemed very appealing. Interviewing with companies for both options, it was only a matter of time that I would discover DBMC. The intersection of consulting and banking seemed to be a perfect fit for me as it would allow me to both, pursue my interests and to kick off my career at a renowned global company.

Deutsche Bank Management Consulting & recruiting process

I joined Deutsche Bank Management Consulting because:

I had the feeling that the team was genuinely interested in me as a person and the contributions I could bring to the organization. As a fresh graduate, starting a career is often associated with chores in order to “climb up the ladder” until one is in a position where the work becomes more conceptual and interesting. My interviews with DBMC, however, gave me the positive impression that the team wanted to hire me for my personality and brain; and not because I was a fairly well-educated resource. Also, since the work at DBMC has a long-lasting impact for the organization, it requires solutions that are optimal for the bank and sustainable at the same time – principles I could highly identify with.


Deutsche Bank Management Consulting & daily work

A typical day at work:

According to the cliché, there are no typical days in consulting. But I tend to disagree. Depending on the project, days follow a similar pattern. Usually, it starts with a team meeting in the morning to discuss and align priorities for the day, which also helps me to structure my day effectively. Afterwards, it is an interplay between meetings and completing tasks as well as discussing ideas with colleagues and clients. Often, I also have a coffee with colleagues in the afternoon where we just chat and hang out a bit before we go back to work. The day is usually wrapped up by preparing meetings for the next day and sending out a couple of e-mails.


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Deutsche Bank Management Consulting & team structure

The most rewarding part of my job:

Seeing the progress you make professionally and personally within a short amount of time. Working at DBMC means that you are entrusted with responsibility early on. You will be exposed to clients without someone constantly watching over your shoulder, so it often means that you have to learn fast and independently. What helps in the process is knowing that you have a supportive team who stands behind you. It allows you to try out different approaches and, in the unlikely event that something goes wrong, you can always count on someone to help you out. This feeling of collective support and developing fast on your own terms is really valuable and reassures me of having made the right choice.

Deutsche Bank Management Consulting & leisure time

When I am not working:

I am either roaming the streets to take pictures (I am an avid photographer), listening to music or meeting friends. That’s of course, when I am not planning my next trip to explore other countries or learn new languages.

Deutsche Bank Management Consulting & career tipps

What I would like to tell a potential candidate about Deutsche Bank Management Consulting?

DBMC is a great place to start off your career! It allows you to explore various working approaches and different parts of the bank; all in the presence of a young and fun team. Also, one recommendation for your interviews: Be yourself. Obviously, preparing for consulting interviews and getting familiar with the basics of banking helps, but, in the end, we want to get to know you and not a rehearsed version of you.

Matthias Regenhauer

Insider-tipps by Matthias Regenauer, Assistant Vice President at DBMC: "The intersection of consulting and banking seemed to be a perfect fit for me as it would allow me to both, pursue my interests and to kick off my career at a renowned global company."

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