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Nyanthi Reddy joined Deutsche Bank Management Consulting (DBMC) as a Vice President (Project Manager) in May 2020 during the Corona pandemic. Just like every other industry and company during this time, Deutsche Bank faces unique challenges and being a part of DBMC means, she is at the forefront of being a part of the strategic projects and ideas within Deutsche Bank. As a project manager, she leads projects to provide the internal stakeholders and clients with new ideas, frameworks and analytical skills required to solve complex and multi-faceted issues the Bank is facing.

Niyanthi Reddy

Deutsche Bank Management Consulting & start your career

What brought you to Deutsche Bank, and Group Management Consulting in particular? 

I am a technologist by education and worked in the Technology division of Deutsche Bank for nearly a decade in New York, London and Frankfurt, managing complex technical projects and organizational change. I decided to join DBMC because I wanted the opportunity to work with other divisions and at the same time learn about the various teams across the Bank. Being a part of DBMC also gives me the opportunity to work on very interesting topics which are of utmost importance to the Bank like the strategic transformation of the Bank. As a member of DBMC, not only do I have a chance to work on these topics but also to shape the direction of this transformation, which I find very exciting. 

Deutsche Bank Management Consulting & team-based project work

How does typical day at work look like?

A typical day in the life of a management consultant would vary depending on the lifecycle of the project. In essence, it would entail identifying root causes of issues, coming up with sustainable solutions and strategies, advising management and implementing solutions in a structured way. Equipped with consulting and project management skills, We enable DB’s senior management to break down complex issues/ problems and implement creative yet workable solutions either group-wide or for specific business divisions.

Deutsche Bank Management Consulting & rewards

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

The most rewarding part of my job is two-fold. The first is, knowing that I have enabled and/ or contributed to solving an issue for the Bank and second is, that I am constantly learning on the job. The ability to work with a new division, product or team every 6 months allows me endless opportunities to keep growing professionally.

Deutsche Bank Management Consulting & Free time during the Job

What are your personal interests alongside your work?

I love to travel and am a foodie at heart. When I am not working, I am either out exploring a city/ town over the weekend or checking out a new restaurant in Frankfurt with friends.

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Niyanthi Reddy

Insider Tipp from Vice President Nyanthi Reddy at Deutsche Bank Management Consulting: "If you like to work on complex issues spanning across different topics and being able to sculpt new solutions dealing with senior stakeholders, then DBMC is the right place for you."

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